When it comes to estate planning, it’s crucial to regularly evaluate and update your estate…
Hundreds of people are moving into Florida every day. As a premier estate planning lawyer for The Villages area, Pittman Law Office is proud to serve new residents. We have two Florida estate planning lawyers/probate lawyers and a friendly staff to ensure your needs are met. One of the first things you should do once you get settled is have one of our estate planning attorneys review and potentially update your existing documents. Below are some reasons why:
Durable Power of Attorney
While a Durable Power of Attorney legally executed in another state is generally valid in Florida, the authority granted to your designated agent may be different. Ask your Florida estate planning attorney to review your Durable Power of Attorney executed in another state and advise if any modifications are recommended now that you are a Florida resident.
Health Care Surrogates
As with your Durable Power of Attorney, your health care surrogate documents may be valid in Florida but may need to be updated now that you are a resident of the state. This is something estate planning attorneys deal with often.
It is important to understand that in Florida, both you and your spouse must be named on the title of your home if you wish for your homestead property to transfer to your spouse upon your death. If both names are not on the title, then the surviving spouse will receive one half interest and the deceased spouses’ children will receive one half interest. Your Florida estate planning attorney is happy to review your title if you have any questions.
We understand the logistics involved with moving to a new state. Whether you need a probate attorney or an estate planning lawyer, residents throughout The Villages area trust the Pittman Law Office with all of their estate planning needs. Our estate planning lawyers, probate attorneys and friendly, knowledgeable staff are ready to serve you. Give us a call to schedule a consultation today.