When it comes to estate planning, it’s crucial to regularly evaluate and update your estate…
We suggest that potential clients attend our Estate Planning Basics Workshop or watch our Estate Planning Basic Video on our website or YouTube channel so they can determine if we are a good fit for their estate planning needs before they schedule a consultation. The Workshop and Video will give potential clients an opportunity to learn more about the firm as well as estate planning in general.
We will discuss in detail your background and family, goals and concerns, and any issues identified in the Estate Planning Intake Form that require further consideration. During this meeting, we may be able to propose an estate plan design if we have all of the necessary information which will eliminate the need for a follow-up consultation, and you can come in for the Delivery Meeting. At the end of the initial consultation, a fee will be quoted based on the preliminary plan design.
3. FOLLOW-UP, if needed
During this call or in-office meeting, we will address any questions you may have as well as propose the estate plan design. We will work through the details of the proposed estate plan whether it is a Will based plan or a Revocable Trust based plan to create a strategy that meets your goals and objectives while addressing your concerns. After the follow-up meeting, if you have any changes, we need you to contact our office to ensure that your changes are reflected in your estate plan.
We review the estate planning documents with you to ensure that you understand your estate plan and that it meets your goals and objectives. Typically, at this meeting you will sign the estate planning documents to implement the estate plan. You will leave the office with the original estate planning documents, and we will send you digital copies of your documents via email. We will keep a digital copy of the documents for our records. Please make sure your administrators such as your Personal Representative and/or Trustee have our contact information so they can reach out to us when something happens, and if they have questions.
5. FUNDING, if applicable
Once the estate planning documents have been executed, we have several different options on how we can assist you with beneficiary designation changes and other funding issues to ensure the planning is effective and works as designed. If you have a Revocable Trust, we will go over the different funding recommendations at the Delivery Meeting. If you need our office to help with the funding of your Revocable Trust, then we will discuss the fees for this additional assistance and schedule a meeting with our Estate Planning Paralegal so she can assist you in funding your Revocable Trust.