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I’m excited to announce that my firm is growing. Attorney Audra M. Platt joined my practice last month to help me serve my clients. Her focus will be Estate Planning for Young Families and of course for those that are retired. She has been an attorney since 2017. Audra is a 6th generation Floridian and grew up in Sumter County. She is married and has a one year old son. Check out her bio on my website,

Tip – Sleep more

Most of you know by now that I love TED Talks. I hope you enjoy them.

Upcoming Workshops

Funding Revocable Trust Workshop

This workshop is for current clients that have Revocable Trusts

Location: Pittman Law Office, 3845 E. County Road 466, Oxford, Florida 34484

Date & Time: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 8:30 am & Thursday, December 17, 2020 at 8:30 am

RSVP: 352-399-6944 – Seating is limited to 10 clients

Basic Estate Planning Workshop

This workshop is for potential clients that want to learn more about Estate Planning and our firm

Location: Pittman Law Office, 3845 E. County Road 466, Oxford, Florida 34484

Date & Time: Wednesday, November 11, 2020 at 8:30 am

RSVP: 352-399-6944 – Seating is limited to 10 clients

Meet & Greet for Clients & their loved ones

This is an annual event that I do so my clients can drop by for a few minutes to introduce me to their loved ones visiting during the holidays.

Date & Time: Wednesday, November 25, 2020 from 12 pm – 2 pm & Wednesday, December 23, 2020 from 12 pm – 2 pm.

No Need to RSVP. Just stop by and say hi.

Here is a throwback picture on the day I was sworn in as an Attorney. I celebrated 15 years of practicing law on September 22nd. I also celebrated my 42nd birthday on the 22nd. For my birthday I went fishing off the coast of Longboat Key and had a great time. Of course, I caught the most fish and the biggest fish. 🙂

Pittman Law Office YouTube Channel

Check out Pittman Law Office’s YouTube channel – we have posted videos for your information

What my neighbor said

Most neighbors have good intentions when they give you advice. However we always recommend you speak to a professional before acting on that advice. Here are a few examples of what we hear from clients:

My neighbor said that my bank account does not need to be owned by my Revocable Trust if I named beneficiaries on the account. I recommend that bank accounts be owned by your Trust so that your Successor Trustee will have access to funds as soon as they receive a death certificate. If the account is owned by the Trust then the account isn’t closed at your death. If you name a beneficiary on the account then the account will be closed and the bank will write a check to your named beneficiary.

My neighbor said that I should add my child to my bank account so they can have access to my account if I become incapacitated. I never recommend that you add anyone other than a spouse that you have been married to for a long time to an asset. When you add someone as an owner of your asset, they become an owner of that account and have the same power and control over the asset as you do. In addition, if the person you named as an owner of your account is sued, divorced or files for bankruptcy, then that asset can be subject to that person’s creditors. Just don’t do it. Do not add anyone to your assets as an owner.

Of course, if your neighbor says you must see Amy Pittman, then I agree with that advice. 🙂


Thank you for your support and confidence in our firm! One of the best compliments we receive is the referral of your friends and family. If you had an awesome experience at PLO, please pass the word on and if you would like to give us a testimonial to use for our website, please contact Amy,

Also remember to like us on Facebook and view our website,