Newsletter: August, 2022
Pittman Law Office Newsflash My Neighbor Said.... My neighbor told me: I only need a Last Will and Testament I need to put my child on my bank account All I need is a new deed, I don't need an…
Pittman Law Office Newsflash My Neighbor Said.... My neighbor told me: I only need a Last Will and Testament I need to put my child on my bank account All I need is a new deed, I don't need an…
Pittman Law Office Newsflash Let's talk about titling assets It is critical to title assets correctly to ensure that they follow the estate plan that you have created. If your main estate planning document is a Last Will and Testament,…
Happy New Year! We hope you all had a good Christmas and are ready to ring in the new year. Here at Pittman Law, we are excited about the new year and all the new opportunities. The start of a…
Merry Christmas! As we enter the Christmas season, now is a good time to think about how and what you need to tell your friends and family about your estate plan. Do you need to make sure they know where…
Happy Thanksgiving! November is a month where we see a lot of decorations, advertisements, and media outlets focusing on Thankfulness. This is something that we at Pittman Law Office try to implement in our everyday lives. In our weekly staff…
My Neighbor Said.... My neighbor told me _______________________, and you fill in the blank. Sometimes well meaning neighbors provide ill advised guidance. Everyone's situation is different, whether it be family dynamics, assets, or overall estate planning goals. We are here…
Are you thinking about leaving your legacy to charities? Planned Giving Estate planning covers more than just financial matters. Indeed, many use their estate plan to pass along their values as well as their wealth. One way to do this…
Pittman Law Office Newsflash June 15th is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Elder abuse can range from physical abuse and neglect to financial exploitation and theft. Unfortunately, many folks love and rely on the person abusing them, therefore their abuse…
Pittman Law Office Newsflash Do you know your Senior Living Options? 1) In Home Care 2) Independent Living 3) Assisted Living 4) Memory Care 5) Skilled Nursing Home It is important that you have a plan in the event you…
Pittman Law Office Newsflash Did you know there are 5 major documents that every adult should have? There are a lot of documents out there that will help guide you when thinking about your estate plan. However, there are 5…